About Us

Mark Back

Chief Operations Officer

Almost 30 years of executive business experience regarding Vice President and CEO positions. Mark has set up and controlled over 58 companies across the US.

Dr. Joe Christiano

Education Author, Board President

Dr. Joe Christiano, ND, CNC, CNHP - Best-selling author, health and fitness coach and motivational speaker; naturopathic physician and business owner of Body Redesigning for over 40 years. Dr. Joe has physically, mentally, and nutritionally trained Miss Universe, America pageant contestants and celebrities and has shared his knowledge to create a well-rounded program that focuses on all aspects of health.

Michelle Back

Founder, Program/ Ed Author & Head of Education

Michelle Lynn Back MS has studied child psychology and taught mental health, kinesiology, and nutrition education for decades in rural to urban middle and high schools. Her area of expertise is in the field of CPTSD, childhood and adult mental disorders from childhood trauma.

Rob Miller

Head of Marketing

Over 30 years of combined experience including national sales, business development and operations.

Carol Bassett

Education Author, Head of Writing

Accomplished writer and editor, Carol has researched the clinical impact of nutrition, lifestyle choices and therapeutic supplementation on a variety of mental and emotional disorders. She has written abstinence health education for the state of Georgia, as well as nutrition, healthy attitudes and fitness curriculum for elementary grades. She is published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Medical Laboratory Review, and more.

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